Character Creation updated Jan 14th 1998 |
Character Generation Procedure: A guided procedure for creating
a character for the New Frontier using all the optional character creation rules presented
in this section.
Character Homeworld Generation: Generate a set of stats about
the world your character was born on. These tables include Planetary Gravity, Atmosphere, and
Climate which may affect your character's skills and stats.
Character Racial Stock: Racial Stock for characters, some
canon (official) from both SF:AD and SF:ZG as well as 2 all new races. Choose from:
- Human, loosely based on Terran Homo Sapiens.
- Dralasite, amorphous empaths.
- Yazirian, baboon-like creatures with Patagia.
- Vrusk, insectoid centaurs and businesspeople.
- Humma, rude, lewd party kagaroos.
- Ifshnit, dwarven traders.
- Osakar, six-limbed gangly... aliens.
- Jakar, minotaurs and diplomats.
- Demu, chitinous biped wanna-be borgs.
New and Old Technologies updated Mar 11th 1998 |
- MonoWeapons: Mono-Filament edged weapons. Ultra-Sharp tools
for hand-to-hand and projectile combat.
- GyroJet Weapons: Three new GyroJet weapons from the
mid-range Gyrojet Carbine to the Sniper Cone Rifle.
- The RazorGun Carbine: A new take on needler technologies,
theRazorGun Carbine is a State Of The Art weapon seeing heavy anti-terrorist use.
- The Sonic Disruptor: Another design basis for the Sonic
Weapons, designed to attack metal and solids instead of proteins.
- Scribble Lasers: A solid-beam laser (as opposed to most standard pulse lasers) designed to fire a wandering path accross an area.
- Plasma Weaponry: A precursor to modern
laser technology, plasmaguns produced massive damage, but were innacurate power-hogs.
Frontier Toxicological Reports updated Mar 19th 1998 |
- Polophromalene XT-7 - Mild neurotoxin with interesting effects on Dral muscle structure.
- Mitocelenyne - A toxin orignally used on Osakar needle weapons which proved quite erratic against other Frontier races.
- Vacuum Spider Venom - An oily contact neurotoxin produced by a parasitic space "insect".
Other Rules & Flavour updated Jan 15th 1998 |
Outside Links updated Mar 5th 1998 |
Other Information updated Mar 19th 1998 |
- What's New? the timeline for StarBase HellHound, listing what
was added to the pages when, and any other relevant factoids.
- Site designed and maintained by Hound.
- Hound also has a bunch of other sites of interest, including the award-winning
BlackHammer CyberPunk Project,
his own Home Page, and the
Ambient Inc. home page.
- This page is protected under section
-B of
the Star Law Charter.