Step 1: Roll Stats
Roll 1d100 for each stat pair
(STRength / STAmina), (DEXterity / Reaction Speed), (INTuition / LOGic)
and (PERsonality / LeaDeRship).
Dice Roll |
01-10 |
11-20 |
21-35 |
36-55 |
56-70 |
71-80 |
81-90 |
91-95 |
96-00 |
Base Stat |
30 |
35 |
40 |
45 |
50 |
55 |
60 |
65 |
70 |
Step 2: Choose a Race
Choose a race from the table below and any races your Game Master has devised,
and apply the appropriate stat modifiers as listed.
Race |
Human |
* | * | * | * |
Dralasite |
+5 | -5 | +0 | +0 |
Vrusk |
-5 | +5 | +0 | +0 |
Yazirian |
-10 | +5 | +5 | +0 |
Humma |
+10 | +0 | +0 | -10 |
Ifshnit |
-5 | +0 | +5 | +0 |
Osakar |
+5 | +5 | +0 | -10 |
Jakar |
+5 | -5 | -5 | +5 |
Demu |
+5 | -5 | +5 | -5 |
Officially Humans may add 5 points to any one ability of one pair, in our
games Humans add 5 points to both abilities of one pair.
Step 3: Racial Special Abilities
All non-humans have a special ability or two. The abilities listed with a base percentage
may be increased with experience points.
- Dralasite: Lie Detection (5%), Elasticity
- Vrusk: Comprehension (15%), Ambidexterity
- Yazirian: Battle Rage (5%), Gliding, Night Vision
- Humma: Spring Charge, Poison Resistance, Prehensile Tail
- Ifshnit: Highly Developed Sight, Innate Skill
- Osakar: Highly Developed Smell, Natural Linguist
- Jakar: Intimidation (5%), Horns
- Demu: Carapace
Step 4: Determine Homeworld
Determine some of the physical specifics about the character's homeworld (population,
society and tech are chosen, not rolled) and adjust stats appropriately.
HomeWorld Generation can be found elsewhere on this site.
Step 5: Determine Initiative Modifier
Initiative Modifier is determined by dividing the character's RS by 10, rounding fractions up.
This number is added to all initiative rolls made by the character.
Step 6: Determine Hand To Hand Damage
Hand To Hand Damage is based on a character's Strength stat and is added to all melee and
brawling attacks that use non-energy weapons, and is the base damage done by the character
in bare-hand combat.
Strength Stat |
01-20 |
21-40 |
41-60 |
61-80 |
81-00 |
HTH Dmg |
1d3 |
1d4 |
1d6 |
1d8 |
1d10 |
Step 7: Choose a Profession
Each character then chooses a profession from Enforcer, TechEx, SciSpec,
Explorer, and possibly Mentalist if your Game Master is allowing them. Spend 10
XP on skills from that profession and gain that professions' special skill.
Step 8: Determine Starting Funds
Classic Star Frontiers gives each character Cr200+d100. In our games characters begin with
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