- March 19th, 1998
- Frontier Toxicological Report vol 3 - Vacuum Spider Venom.
- March 11th, 1998
- Added the vrusk-configuration razorgun carbine image to the RazorGun Carbine page. Fixed the way Albedo Screens and Suits prevent damage from Scribble Lasers.
- March 5th, 1998
- Just rejoined the mailing list with the FTR (Frontier Toxological Report) which is a weekly new poison for the game. The full archive of FTR entries will be kept here, starting with this week's Tasty Toxintm Polophromalene XT-7. Also added the Scribble Lasers (originally based on weapons from R.Talsorian's CyberGeneration game), plasma weapons (loosely based on Traveller) and the dedications page.
- January 17th, 1998
- New drink (Jahl) on the drinking page, and a new look for the top of the page (now
avoiding the use of the Star Frontiers logo). Also added a new gyrojet handgun (.58 Magnum
Recoiless) to the gyrojet weapons page.
- January 15th, 1998
- Added new drinks to the drinking page from the mailing list.
- January 14th, 1998
- Uploaded my rules for getting loaded (Drinking on the Frontier), as well as fixing up a
bunch of old typos from the original web page as well as the Jakar & Demu pages. Also
uploaded my weapons list from my house rules, although the file is somewhat larger than I
had expected or feel comfortable posting due to load times...
- January 13th, 1998
- Uploaded the Demu, a race taken from the book "Cage a Man" by F.M. Busby.
- January 12th, 1998
- Uploaded initial edition of the StarBase. Immediately noticed the evil nag-screen presented
by Tripod every time the index.html is loaded. Re-coded the pages so that the main page is
index2.html instead of index.html. Included in this version is the Character Creation Flowchart,
the HomeWorld Generator, the Basic Character Races (stolen from the SF Netbook I should mention)
and the pages for MonoWeaponry, Gyrojet weapons, the RazorGun Carbine and Sonic Metal Disruptors
vs. Sonic Protein Disruptors. Oh yeah, I'll upload the Jakar page today or tomorrow, honest.
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